Menus printing
High quality print with good printing equipment

Menu Printing

Menu Printing and Publishing

Menus printing solution and printing service

Have you ever thought about how important your menus are? Menus are one of the first things a customer sees when entering a dining establishment, whether it be a bar, a restaurant, or a winery and are directly associated with the food quality. Menus are also often user defined for weddings, birthday parties and other special activities.

We offer menu designs in a variety of sizes to meet different customer requirements, and also offer an additional UV coating for additional surface protection against scratches, dust, dirt, and overall messiness.

Since the company was founded, Lintai has provided clients with a variety of printing services and techniques. Our main services include paperboard box printing, cardboard box printing, label printing, user manual printing and so on. We can only list part of our printings for you to check printing effect due to the limited page space. Our complete set of printing equipment and printing service experience enables us to deliver consistently high-quality printings. If you need mass printing production, please contact us.

Inquiry Form

Add.: 1st Floor, Block 1, Beidilong, Chigang Community, Humen Town, Dongguan City, PRC

Contact: Mr. Liu +86-18029081988

Tel: +86-769-85558711

Fax: +86-769-85702181